Help us decorate all of the light posts in town from December to February by purchasing and decorating a banner for our CELEBRATION OF WINTER!

Think of winter as a celebration, not just a season or one month or one holiday!
Banners will be available with a donation of $20 each. The money raised by the sale of the banners will help fund the banner program and more Artspiration projects in Sharpsburg, Etna and Millvale.
There will be a limit of TWO banners per household. We will gratefully accept banner donations to help provide one for a neighbor that is unable to contribute to this fundraising program but is still interested in creating artwork for this project. You can request ONE donated banner per household. We want as many people involved as possible!
Banners sales will take place from October 1 through October 26
If you would like to participate in this project but are unable to make a $20 contribution to Artspiration, please complete this request form. (Limit one donated banner per household)
Banner Pickup will be October 30 from 11-2 and 4-6pm at Ketchup City Creative.
Banner Drop-off will be November 28 from 4-7pm and November 29 from 10-2 at Ketchup City Creative.
You will create an original banner as "A Celebration of Winter." Think hot chocolate, mittens, knit caps, scarves, colorful jackets, sledding, ice skating, animals that love the cold, animals dressed up for the cold, skiing, skating, sledding, snowshoeing, reindeer, candy canes, bright colorful lights, pine trees, snow boots, snowflakes, bowls of soup, family time, warm fires, the new year beginning, party hats...anything that is colorful and makes winter a celebration of cozy inside time and bundled up outside time. Artists will decorate BOTH sides.
What works to create the banner? It helps if you use Gesso and make a base coat on both sides. Then acrylic paint, fabric markers, spray paint, stencils, and stamps work well.
You can try tie-dye (no Gesso) or be as creative as you want. Artists should decorate BOTH sides. Colorful is great as it will make the town look bright and cheery!
We ask that you do not do an overtly religious banner or one tied to specific holidays since these will be up until February. The borough will review all banners before hanging them and retains the right to refuse to display individual banners that are determined to be offensive or distasteful.
Sharpsburg Shines is a project by Artspiration to add art, color, and life to the main street of Sharpsburg by having individual banners painted by local artists and local residents to brighten the Main Street Business District. This is being done at no cost to the borough.